Combining best-in-class performance with a wide range of sensor options, switch outputs and extended functions, SureSense achieves unprecedented diversity in object detection. In addition, the optical display of signal strength makes installation and troubleshooting the easiest. These innovative technologies are unified in the VISTAL ™ shell, which is nine times more robust than the traditional ABS shell.
- The most flexible and complete hybrid sensor series
- New intuitive light bar
- The industry's best background shading function
- Identify transparent objects with AutoAdapt technology
- VISTAL shell
Customer benefits
- The only product series that can solve many applications
- Easy installation through standardized assembly, accessories and setting solutions
- Fast and easy calibration during installation through continuous display of signal strength
- SICK's ASIC technology realizes stable detection of objects of different colors and materials
- With AutoAdapt, stable detection of transparent objects under harsh environmental conditions (minimizing cleaning costs)
Scope of use
- Machines for various inspection tasks
- Identify transparent objects
- Identify objects in multiple colors
- Applications with AC power supply voltage
- Small objects detect and pass through small openings
- OEM machinery manufacturing (e.g. packaging industry, consumer goods industry, wood processing industry, etc.)