CUBIC AMR Robotic Arm Mobile Robot

CUBIC AMR robotic arm mobile robot

Combining AGV and 6-axis robotic arms to complete autonomous transportation and picking and placing materials, AMR's chassis system is KUKA AGV 600i, which can carry a weight of 600kg. It adopts a SLAM+QR code hybrid navigation system, and can set routes and arrange tasks on a computer. ROBOT uses AUBO-i16, with an arm load of 16kg. It is equipped with Cognex camera and AI intelligent recognition system. Combining AMR and visual applications can more intelligently determine the location of material pickup and increase product positioning accuracy. In addition to AUBO robotic arms, there are many other brands. It can also be used as an optional combination.

Flexible application and matching

AGV can designate the transportation position according to the on-site needs, and then match the robot arm to cope with various scenes of on-site needs.

Powerful software features

KUKA's KMRES has various functions that meet on-site needs. It can also test routes and actions in a virtual environment and then import and use them on-site to reduce testing time.

SLAM and QR code hybrid navigation

KUKA provides SLAM 2D radar navigation that adapts to complex on-site environments. In environments that require high-precision positioning, you can switch to QR codes for secondary positioning to improve accuracy.

High safety protection

In addition to lidar, the AGV is equipped with a 3D camera at the front and rear ends of the vehicle, which can meet various horizontal and vertical obstacle avoidance environment requirements.

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