Cubic IO Box

  • Ethernet TCP/IP input converted to RS232 data output
  • RS232 input converted to Ethernet TCP/IP data output
  • 4xPort Digital Input (Optical Coupling) (4DIN) Potential DC12V~24V Current <500mA
  • 4xort Digital Output (optical coupling) (4DOUT) Potential DC12V~24V Current <500mA
  • The output value of DOUT can be determined as Open or Close by TCP/IP input and RS232 input trigger command (customizable trigger command)
  • The output of TCP/IP or RS232 can be triggered by the input value of DIN (Open or Close) (the output content can be customized)
  • IOBox can be partially programmed and can be modified according to customized requirements. The power supply is DC12@1A~24V@0.5A.


